Thursday, February 26, 2015

Student Success Statement

“It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today”

 Image result for james freeman clarke

James Freeman Clark

Reflection: esta frase del autor o escritor James Freeman Clark me ensena que si uno puede hacer la diferencia para toda la eternidad cuando haces algo malo puedes cambiar haciendo lo correcto.

Dentists are responsible for diagnosing and treating problems with the teeth, gums, and tissue in the mouth. These doctors instruct individuals on brushing, flossing, and all other aspects of dental care. Dentists will meet with patients in their office routinely and remove tooth decay, fill cavities, repair teeth, and treat gum diseases.

$146,340 - $72,240

According to the American Dental Association,, applicants are required to have a bachelor's degree before being admitted into dental school. Undergrads should focus on many science courses, like biology and chemistry. All applicants must take the Dental Admissions Test (DAT), and dental schools will focus an individual's DAT score, GPA, recommendations, and interviews. Dental school is a 4-year commitment and includes classes on microbiology, biochemistry, anatomy, and physiology, as well as clinical practices, safety, and professional ethics. Dentists are required to be licensed in the state they are working in, which requires passing a written and practical examination.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

“Bless You”
Whenever someone sneezes, you say “Bless you” or hear someone else say these words.

 Is a common English expression, used to wish a  person blessings in various situations especially as a response to a sneeze, and also, when parting or writing a valediction
The practice of blessing someone who sneezes, dating as far back as at least AD 77, however, is far older than most specific explanations can account for.[9] Gregory I became Pope in AD 590 as an outbreak of the bubonic plague was reaching Rome. In hopes of fighting off the disease, he ordered unending prayer and parades of chanters through the streets. At the time, sneezing was thought to be an early symptom of the plague.
The Romans would say "Jupiter preserves you" or "Salve," which meant "good health to you," and the Greeks would wish each other "long life." The phrase "God bless you" is attributed to Pope Gregory the Great, who uttered it in the sixth century during a bubonic plague epidemic (sneezing is an obvious symptom of one form of the plague).
The exchangeable term "gesundheit" comes from Germany, and it literally means "health." The idea is that a sneeze typically precedes illness. It entered the English language in the early part of the 20th century, brought to the United States by German-speaking immigrants.
Virtually every country around the globe has its own way of wishing sneezers well. People in Arabic countries say, "Alhamdulillah," which means, "Praise is to God." Hindus say, "Live!" or "Live well!" Some countries have special sneezing responses for children. In Russia, after children are given the traditional response, "bud door" ("be healthy"), they are also told "roti Bolshoi" ("grow big"). When a child sneezes in China, he or she will hear "Bai sui," which means, "May you live 100 years."

Friday, February 20, 2015


En este video se puede demostrar la historia de una muchacha de nombre Rachel Castillo la cual encontró una bolsa con dinero, en su caso hay personas que harían lo que fuera por gastárselo pero ella hizo lo correcto no se tardó ni un solo minuto en pensarlo y fue a el departamento de policía y lo entrego. Rachel Castillo cuenta que ella siempre decía hacer lo correcto es vivir satisfecho o bien, también ella aprendió demasiadas palabras en su biblia que siempre hay que tomar lo derecho. Esto nos ensena a una persona CTR. 
Online Research:
Duties and responsibilities: Health information management specialists help protect the privacy and ensure the accuracy of patients' medical records. They frequently have roles in billing and diagnostic coding, as well. HIM specialists typically have an associate's degree in health information management as well as earn certification as a Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT).

Education: Those who have completed an associate's degree or bachelor's degree through a school accredited by CAHIIM are qualified to take the credentialing exam to become a Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT). Earning the RHIT credential may result in higher pay or increased opportunities for career advancement.

Salary: $37,710 per year
Image result for health information specialist
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why?  Why not?

Si pienso que es una carrera en la cual puede uno destacar muchas habilidades e igual conocer más sobre esta carrera conocer nuevos temas.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


En este video nos ensenan una historia de lo que es actuar con honor, todo comienza cuando un pequeño de nombre Andy encuentra una valiosa fortuna en un estacionamiento en Ohio, el pequeño primero pensó que si él se quedaba  con esta valiosa fortuna él iba a poder comprase lo que él quería , pero en su familia le ensenaron que siempre cuando actúes debes hacerlo con honor, su padre del pequeño era un militar entonces el decidió enviar una carta donde le explica a la persona de esta valiosa fortuna que como el su padre también era militar al fin de esta historia él va al panteón  y abraza la tumba donde el creé o esta su padre.

Student Success Statement
“Act well yourPart; there all
Honor lies.”                     
   Alexander Pope
Reflection: yo creo que este mensaje de
Este escritor Alexander pope me ensena

Que como una persona actúa o una demostración de la forma que es como actúa en su vida y si uno actúa debemos poner de nuestra parte.

Image result for alexander pope

Friday, February 13, 2015

Student Success Statement
“Associate yourself with
Men of good quality if
You esteem your own
Image result for george washingtonReputation; for its better to
Be alone than in bad company.’’                   
George Washington
1789- 1797

Reflection: yo creo que estas palabras me ensenan o me da a entender que hay veces que algunas malas compañías hacen que las buenas se echan a perder por so siempre debemos saber que compañías elegimos.
“Presidents Day”
Monday February 16
Online research:
1. What is Presidents Day? Washington's Birthday, also known as Presidents' Day, is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of February. The day honors presidents of the United States, including George Washington, the USA's first president.

2. What is the purpose of Presidents Day? Want to know the purpose of Presidents' Day? Well, the generally understood purpose of Presidents Day (alternately spelled President's Day, Presidents' Day, or Presidents Day) is to celebrate the American presidency and remember all those who served as President of the United States. This, however, is not the official purpose of the holiday.

3. When is it? The third Monday of February (Monday February 16).

4. What are a few ways to show honor and respect on Presidents Day?
Congress passed the Monday Holidays Act, which moved the official observance of Washington's Birthday from Feb. 22 to the third Monday in February. Some reformers had wanted to change the name of the holiday as well, to Presidents' Day, in honor of both Lincoln and Washington, but that proposal was rejected by Congress, and the holiday remained officially Washington's Birthday.
Image result for Presidents Day                        Image result for Presidents Day