Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Student Success Statement
The Right Thing
“In any moment of decision, the
Best thing you
Image result for theodore rooseveltCan do is the
Right thing.”
Theodore Roosevelt 

Reflection: Yo creo que cuando una llega
A tomar una decisión lo mejor que uno
Puede hacer es pensar antes de actuar y
Elegir hacer lo correcto.

Life Planning Progress Post

Yo en total logre a hacer 6 metas en estos meses que han pasado y espero poder lograr más victorias pero de una forma bien y también escribir más metas para poder lograrlas, también proponerme a siempre escribir en mi libro de metas. Algunas de las metas que logre a través de estos meses han sido visitar a familiares, proponerme a leer más Libros y mejorara en algunas clases.
Medical Surveillance Technician
Online research:

Duties and responsibilities:   Medical screening and medical surveillance are two fundamental strategies for optimizing employee health. Although the terms are often used interchangeably, they are quite distinct concepts. Medical screening is, in essence, only one component of a comprehensive medical surveillance program. The fundamental purpose of screening is early diagnosis and treatment of the individual and thus has a clinical focus. The fundamental purpose of surveillance is to detect and eliminate the underlying causes such as hazards or exposures of any discovered trends and thus has a prevention focus. Both can contribute significantly to the success of work site health and safety programs. 

Salary; $32,291

Education: If clinical laboratory studies and/or biological monitoring is contemplated, a rational approach to selecting clinical studies would consider the toxicity patterns of the drugs to which workers are exposed. Medical surveillance program results should be examined in aggregate for trends that may be a sign of health changes because of exposure to hazardous drugs. If health changes are found during follow-up evaluations, the employer should

Image result for medical surveillance technician

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not? No a mí no me gustaria estudiar este tipo de carrera, porque no me llama  la atención pero a la vez no dijo que es una mala carera

Monday, April 27, 2015


En esta historia se muestra el mensaje de John Wooden , la historia trata de un doctor el cual ayuda a las  personas por su propia cuenta sin que le paguen y el sabe que siempre cuando  das poder recibir mejores cosas . El ayudaba a personas en una clínica en New York City a personas que tenían alguna angustia o necesitaban, el siempre encontraba la manera o forma de ayudarles. 
Student Success Statement

“Make each day your masterpiece. You have to apply yourself each day to become a little better, and over a period of time you become a lot better,”

Image result for john wooden John Wooden, UCLA.

Reflection: Este mensaje me ensena que para poder seré alguien bien tender que aplicar algo Bueno de mi cada día para conseguir o logar algo  pequeño o mejor y cada periodo del tiempo o conforme pasa el tiempo en el futuro tendré grandiosas cosas y beneficios. 
 Military Medical Opportunities

 Duties: Communication is essential to identify and solve issues and implement plans. Mobilization and deployment specialists represent command staff on committees and liaise with local, state and federal government agencies, such as the Veterans Administration and Social Security Agency. They also communicate regularly with command staff and family support program coordinators. Specialists working for National Guard units also work with organizations such as the Red Cross to coordinate mobilization in cases of natural disaster, according to the Army's position description for the job.
According to the U.S. Army, soldiers undergo mobilization readiness as often as every six months, even if deployment orders have not been given. Mobilization and deployment specialists help create efficient plans to ensure that all soldiers within the unit meet the readiness requirements. Planning also includes support for non-military family members
Salary: As of 2014, employees at the GS-11 pay grade earn an annual salary of $50,790 to $66,027 depending on the time the employee has worked at that pay grade. 

Education: There essential skills include analytical reasoning and problem-solving, both of which allow the specialist to identify and resolve problems within the unit related to mobilization and deployment. Excellent communication skills are critical to brief soldiers, represent the Army in meetings and work with command staff, according to the U.S. Army. Written communication is also essential to draft position papers and staff reports.

Image result for military deployment services 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

“Do the right thing at the right time”.

En este video de reflection, se demostró la frase que la Coach: Pam Knox dijo haz lo correcto en el lugar o tiempo correcto o adecuado. La historia trata acerca de una jugadora de baseball de nombre Sara, ella era la corredora de la casa o hogar. Cuando estaba el juego ella cuando estaba corriendo se lastimo el pie, tobillo pero su gran sueño era poder correr a todas las basese, debido al problema de su pierna o pie no pudo. Pero dos de las jugadoras del equipo contrario (Central Washington) la ayudaron (Mallory y Liz) a poder cumplir esa meta así que las dos chicas la llevaron en cada una de las bases. Esto demuestra una gran acción de bondad, cooperación, etc. 
Student Success Statement
Do the right thing at the right time.
“It’s a great moment when someone has a character to set up and do the right thing at the right time.’’
Image result for pam knoxPam Knox

Reflection: Esta frase me da a entender que cuando alguien llega a hacer algo lo debe hacer con un buen carácter, asiendo la acción correcta, en el tiempo o lugar adecuado. Entonces esto me ensena que siempre que quiera hacer, hablar primero debo de pensar que es lo que voy a decir o a hacer.
Medical Illustrator
Online Research:

Duties and Responsibilities:
A medical illustrator is a professional artist with specialized training and advanced education in medicine, science, art, design, visual technology, media techniques, and in theories related to communication and learning. Collaborating with scientists, physicians, and other content specialists, medical illustrators serve as visual translators of complex technical information to support education, medical and life science research, patient care, patient education, public relations, and marketing objectives.
Medical illustrators and animators traditionally work at a:
·        * University, academic medical center
·         *Hospital, clinic, or healthcare institution

Salary: The median salary for medical illustration is $62,000 and can range up to $100,000

Education: Most medical illustrators have a Master's degree from an accredited graduate program from one of four medical schools. There are currently three accredited programs in the United States and one in Canada, each accepting 20 or fewer students per year. Entrance into all of these schools is very competitive.
Add a picture:
Image result for medical illustration

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?

No a mí no me gustaria elegir esta carrera ya que no tengo la habilidad de dibujar así pero pienso que las personas que realmente saber dibujar pueden elegir una carrera como esta. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Student Success Statement
The 10 Indian Commandments

1. Treat the Earth and all the dwells therein with respect.
2. Remain close to the Great Spirit.
3. Show great respect to your fellow beings.
4. Work together for the benefit of all mankind.
5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
6. Do what you know to be right.
7. Look after the well- being of mind and body.
8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater honest.
9. Be truthful and honest at all times.
10. Take full responsibility for your actions.

Reflection: Todas estas frases me ensenan demasiadas cosas como: trabajar juntos para un beneficio, tomar una responsabilidad en cada una de las  acciones que hago día a día, hacer lo que yo pienso que es correcto. Cada una de las frases las ponemos o deberíamos poner en práctica en el día.