Thursday, May 21, 2015

“Memorial Day”
1. What is Memorial Day?
Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces. The holiday, which is observed every year on the last Monday of May,[was formerly known as Decoration Day and originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the war. By the 20th century, Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who died while in the military service. Labor Day marks its end.

2. What is the purpose of Memorial Day?
Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in service of the United States of America.

3. When is it?

Monday May, 25.

4. What are a few ways to show honor and respect on Memorial Day?
Parades – Does your town or city host a Memorial Day Parade? Many do, and they ask local businesses to sponsor floats to support the cost of the parade. This is a great way to show your support and honor service members, and it also gets your business name out there in a unique way to parade-goers or to folks watching on television. 
Highlight soldiers’ stories – Through email newsletters, Facebook or your other social media channels, pay respect to those who have fallen and express gratitude for those you know who are currently serving. Invite customers to share their stories as well. 

Image result for what is memorial dayImage result for what is memorial day                           

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